北科 – 軟體需求與規格 Software Requirements and Specifications

Erica Liu

Textbook: User Story Mapping, Jeff Patton

Classroom: Room 1622, Technology Building



Course Material Covered


1 2015/12/7

What is Agile

Homework#5 (deadline: 12/14 09:00)

  1. Find out what’s the vision of the famous services, e.g. Gogoro, Airbnb, Dropbox, Google, Facebook, IKEA, Uber, …and so on. And how they change the world?
    (choose any 2 of them or your own topics)
  2. Becoming a  Tribe Leader : create a movement. Think what you want to change, or how you want to connect people? Bring out some interesting or crazy ideas.
  • hw#1 and hw#2 are independent.
  • You can hand in homeworks in any format, including handwriting, drawing, playing, taking pic, recording video…and so on.



>>should we create a concept for project or for something? (hw5-2)

Yes. Just create a concept for a project, not a solution. For example,  if you want to change the way of house renting or the way of travelling, then it cames “Airbnb”. But in the beginning, just think what concept you want to create (like changing the world), and we will develop solution(like airbnb, dropbox…) in class next week.

2 2015/12/14 Start From “Vision

  • Pitch – Find your team member
  • Frame your idea, user, problem.
  • Persona, Scenario,desired goal, impact
  • Assumption
 Students should be present in class on time. 


Classroom: Room 1622, Technology Building


Homework#6 (deadline: 12/21 09:00)

This is  Teamwork.

1.Team Discussion:

  • Our Vision
  • Working Agreement : please make sure everyone will honor the team agreement . If someone don’t understand it or disagree, the team should discuss again until get everyone’s commitment. Like,
    • Meetings
    • Rules / Policy
    • Spirits (like having fun, making best product ever or learning…,decide it on your own.)
    • and so on..
  • Roles:
    • Product Owner
    • Facilitator
    • Team Member

2.Find your goal and users.

  • A.List desired goals of your product. What impact you want to achieve?
  • B.Describe at least 3 different types/roles of your user.
  • C.Find out the users and observe their joy and pain. (what make them happy or sad.)


PAY ATTENTION : We don’t develop “solution” yet. So if teams are not sure what final product would be, that’s okay. We will do it in class next week. So just focus on the vision, desired goals and the users.

3 2015/12/21 Mapping requirement by User Story Map.

  • Exercise : Morning Map
  • Map the big picture
  • Explore
  • Design studio
Homework#7 (deadline: 12/28 09:00)

This is  Teamwork.

  • Using your first persona X and create the story map. (step1 to 2)
  • Explore your map. Create another persona, Y (must choose different type from first one). Then, think what Y will do while he/she using your service. So, you may  rearrange the order of the map or add extra user tasks or activities.
  • You may find more details in the Slide.


Student should upload your homework to [[ HERE ]] before 12/28 09:00

4 2015/12/28

Slice out the strategies

  • What will be released, learned, developed.
  • Validate

Iteration 1

Homework#8 (deadline: 1/4 23:59)

This is  Teamwork.

  • You may find more details in the Slide.
  • Find at least 5 users to test your prototype and measure it.describe what you observed and learned.

  • Upload your test result and prototype to SRS-Homework8

5 2016/1/4

Class Cancelled.

Iteration 2

  • Refine your prototype in iteration 2.
5 2016/1/11  Final Review

  • A Working Prototype & Validate Result
Final Review (Before 2016/1/11 09:00 AM)

  • Upload your all material  (as a team) to SRS-Final Review, including team’s final product and the drawing that your team produced in class.
  • You may find more details about format, scope,rules in the Slide.

Final Review – Revise

  • Please upload your prototype (revised vision) [[here]] before 1/12 9:00 AM.